
I would like to give a very special thankyou and wishes of light and love to the following people who have been an inspiration and have provided their wonderful services and talents in assisting me on this musical journey.

My beautiful family I love you dearly. Jorja, Mum, Dad, Neil, Brendon, Monte, Bella & Humfrey.

Love to my dear friends Patricia & Michael , Simon & Gill

Jodis thankyou so much for your stunning photography your generosity and talents have provided me with so many resources to promote by business. I am very grateful.

Anthony Cormican & Don Morrison for your musical talents and friendship.

Simon Cherriman for your stunning photography, enthusiasm and including my music in your new film.

Simon Cherriman Insight Ornothology

Thankyou Mum for your beautiful photography i have included on my site.

Thankyou David Phillips for your amazing photography Protography

Jenna Luck for your wonderful talents setting up the website.

Thankyou to Alison and Graeme for the beautiful space you have shared with me to expand my musical awareness and focus.

My heartfelt gratitude to Neil Dougan for your ongoing coaching, love and support on this amazing journey. I recommend his weightloss program  Trim/Evolve Program.

The link is Trim Evolve Program Neil Dougan