Perth Sound Therapy & Life Coaching

Storme - Therapist

For more information please message me and i am happy to discuss anything you need some support, love and help with. Storme

I currently run Sound Therapy sessions and my clinic is now open for the new year. I am a Sound Therapist, Counsellor, Life Coach and Reiki Practitioner and my intention is to provide a space of love, nurture, connection and support for my clients. My sessions include the use of Sound Healing Instruments and specially tuned Tuning Forks to assist your body at a cellular level to return to its balanced and healthy state. I work with the consciousness of any disease you may be experiencing to release  past traumas and or any obstacles that present themselves in your daily life. I am confident i can assist you with any issues you are currently experiencing.

I offer Life Coaching and Counselling Services to provide assistance, support, awareness and connection to yourself, your environment, current and past relationships and or a specific focus for self development.

My Self Development Journey

Over the last seven years i have experienced a great acceleration in my own personal development and awareness surrounding my layers of delusions, illusions, motivations . I have worked extensively on uncovering what has been sitting underneath my lifetime of anxiety and depression. The knowledge and information about what motivates me and what makes me happy or sad is so interesting and bountiful and overall so very helpful to assist myself in evolving and being able to enjoy life and living in greater amounts.

I have experienced over my lifetime themes of separation, control, desperation, abuse, sexual abuse, relationship troubles, eating disorders, low self worth and so on.

I feel i have gained such an immense awareness of understanding through digging through my life’s experiences. I have lived through and used a great many tools and practices which are of a great benefit to share and teach in my therapy and coaching services. I am still like all of us working through the many layers that arise everyday but i am slowly but surely finding a deeper sense of self confidence, strength and awareness. I employ many mindfulness practices and i continue to lesson the self judgement and on those around me creating a happier me and as a result a healthier happier environment around me and in my relationships .

Tuning forks

The same power that enables sound to burst a crystal wine goblet also gives it the ability to disintegrate a cancer cell. Sound can stimulate sadness, joy, and everything in between. It can improve learning, memory, and creativity, and it can reduce stress or pain. Sounds can trigger pleasurable memories, release stuck emotions, and induce deep relaxation. Sound can also harmonize the body’s energy system and create spontaneous physical and spiritual healing.

 Since ancient times, sound has been used to stimulate healing in body, mind, and soul. Pythagoras, the sixth-century B.C. Greek philosopher and mathematician, is credited with being the first to use music to heal the body and the emotions. The belief that sound can support healing has been an integral part of many of the world’s cultures, from the most ancient Hindu mantra practices to the rituals of Chinese healers, South American shamans, and Sufi mystics.”Quantum Energetics Foundation

For More information and Updates

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  • Diploma of Performing Arts
  • Foundational Studies in Sound Healing (@Satori Sounds)
  • Shodan Level in Sound Healing (@Satori Sounds)
  • Reiki First Degree
  • Reiki Second Degree
  • Diploma in Counselling
sound bowls
tuning forks
Treating a dog
All information provided on this webpage is disclosed as Storme’s experience, knowledge and intellectual property as interpreted by Storme and by no means is this information to be used in place of or supercede any other healthcare professionals or medical assessments. The information in this website and the links provided are for general information only and should not be taken as constituting professional advice from Storme. All communications corresponding to any of the therapies offered by Storme are held Private and Confidential in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.

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