My Philosophy is that singing is for everyone. Music is a uniting expression and singing a beautiful creative and expressive act of joy. I began with a music scholarship into highschool and then into the Academy of Performing Arts studying classical voice and choral work. I’ve recorded five albums, 4 of popular music and 1 meditation album. Music and singing is my life’s joy and i love assisting other people to find that joy with singing also.

I teach all ages from the very young to the even older! I can assist you to learn to sing any style from classical to R and B to rock, blues, jazz or music theatre and more. I can assist with performance preparation, exams or simply to pursue a hobby and love of singing.

My other skills include songwriting, music theory, basic piano tuition, basic guitar tuition, percussion and sound healing instruments tuition including crystal bowls, tuning forks, gongs and more.

Any enquiries and bookings welcome. M: 0402 322 184 or E: