Fill Our Cup Dance Remix

Fill Our Cup Dance Remix

The time is coming close…and Im so excited to say Ill be releasing a Dance Remix of my previously release song Fill Our Cup. A very talented producer Anthony Edwards – Razorblade Music has created this Uplifting, Upbeat Dance Remix and I LOVE IT.

Subscribe to my Artist page on your favourite digital music outlet and you will be one of the first people to hear it.
Heartfelt Delusions

Heartfelt Delusions

You may wonder…..hmmm Heartfelt Delusions…..whats that about? LOL

Free Scalar Wave Therapy

The Quantum Scalar Box, lovingly known as The QSB is a Tesla-inspired Vibrational Healing and De-Stress Device which is unique to Life Energy Designs.

There is nothing else like it available today. After nine years of development it first became available in 2017

If you would like more information please visit QSB


I have personally been using this technology for 6months now and i highly recommend trying this for yourself. The healing that has occurred for me has been amazing. It has given me more energy, a better nights sleep, improved mental stability and emotional stability and more. My friends and family have been using it and are also pleased with how it has been improving their well being.


The 70minute session is FREE , if my studio is free then there is time available for people to use the device. All you would need to do is to lie down on the table, relax and enjoy.

SOL-ACE New Song Released

Dear beautiful people-Im so happy to finally release my bands new song Feel it Coming. This is a song about all of the changes that are going on in the world and inside of ourselves. This is our move from slavery to sovereignty. Please share the song far and wide .xxx

Feel it Coming Here is the Youtube Link.

Sound Meditation by Candlelight

Sound Meditation by Candlelight

Sound Meditation by Candlelight.

Saturday November the 4th. There are three sessions throughout the day. Enjoy a beautiful ambient setting in the Perth Town Hall with hundreds of candles surrounding you whilst you enjoy the soothing sounds of Sound Healing Instruments and the lilting tones of Stormes voice.

930am 1130am 130pm

This event is organized by Fever Candlelight Concerts. Closer to the date of the event they will have a ticket link on their website.

Singing Lessons

Singing Lessons

My Philosophy is that singing is for everyone. Music is a uniting expression and singing a beautiful creative and expressive act of joy. I began with a music scholarship into highschool and then into the Academy of Performing Arts studying classical voice and choral work. I’ve recorded five albums, 4 of popular music and 1 meditation album. Music and singing is my life’s joy and i love assisting other people to find that joy with singing also.

I teach all ages from the very young to the even older! I can assist you to learn to sing any style from classical to R and B to rock, blues, jazz or music theatre and more. I can assist with performance preparation, exams or simply to pursue a hobby and love of singing.

My other skills include songwriting, music theory, basic piano tuition, basic guitar tuition, percussion and sound healing instruments tuition including crystal bowls, tuning forks, gongs and more.

Any enquiries and bookings welcome. M: 0402 322 184 or E:

Sound Meditation

Relaxation, Renewal, Balance

Relax, Renew, Balance and Charge

Sound Meditation Chidlow at Perth Sound Therapy Studio.  (only 6 places)

Join us for a cuppa and some light refreshments. Bring a small plate of food if you wish.

Saturday Nov 6th. 3pm-430pm. Chidlow BSb Transfer $25 Address provided upon booking confirmation.

bsb 633000 acc 120 209 275


Full Moon Sound Meditation and Community Connect Mundaring Wellness Centre Saturday November the 20th  4pm-530pm Please bring a mat, cushion and blanket for your comfort. $25pp Paying by direct bank transfer . bsb 633000 acc 120 209 275


Sound Meditation Mundaring Wellness Centre Saturday December 4th. 4pm-530pm. Please bring a mat, cushion and blanket for your comfort. $25pp. bsb 633000 acc 120 209 275


New Years Eve Sound Meditation December 31st 2021 430pm-6pm Mundaring Wellness Centre

Setting intentions for the New Year and sharing what are journey has been for 2021. Lets raise our vibration together and incorporate our gratefulness practice to create positive energy, peace, love and harmony for 2022 for ourselves, the earth and th world.

Whats included: a New Years Eve gift, Heart Coherence Gratefulness Practice, Sharing of our experiences for 2021, setting intentions for 2022, Sound healing and relaxation.

$40 per person


Welcome. Our maximum capacity for mundaring is 18 people and chidlow 6people for the session. People affected by the fires and firefighters your spot is free. We commence with Community Connect and Talk opportunity for us all to share where we are in our journey to nurture our connectedness and nourishment within community.
Please aim to book 1 week prior. If you havnt and youre unsure you can message me to check if there is a spot available for you.
M 0402 322 184

We will be enjoying the new 38inch Sun Gong set to open our hearts and sense of self supporting us to release our attachments to duality, including the Crystal Bowls, Gongs, Drums, Tibetan Singing Bowls & the Monochord.
Come & join us for these sacred gatherings to connect, relax and cleanse with Sound Medicine. Please bring a mat, cushion and blanket.

Children who can lie quietly for 1hr are welcome.

You can listen to some samples of what you may expect to hear on stormes website
Sound meditation is a very relaxing and enjoyable experience which produces nothing but positive feedback from the participants. People report feeling lighter and less stressed, more relaxed and refreshed and an overall general sense of well being.

bsb 633000 acc 120 209 275 (chidlow $25, mundaring $25)

New Sun Gong

Come an experience a Pure Gong Session or a mix of the Beautiful and Powerful Sun Gong with the crystal bowls and more. Bathing in Sound Vibrations is a deeply relaxing experience to renew and support our systems in this fast changing world.

Enjoy the frequencies of the Sun delivered by this gong in an individual or group setting:)


Special Offer – Healy

. To hire a healy-take it home and use it for your whole family $100 for a 3day hire. This is available for people within the Perth region WA.

Healy is a medical device for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders. All other applications of Healy are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine, . However personally i have been using the device for 3months now for all of the other programs as listed above and i believe the other programs work and are successful at assisting with their specific aims.

I have been using the device specifically for myself and my family if i hve or the device has detected any signs of a cold. We have run the programs for ‘çold’ and ímmune’ system’ and none of us have entered into a cold or flu-like cycle. In fact the symptoms have passed within 24-48hours.

The Healy is a small wearable device that analyses your aura, chakras and individual frequency via a quantum sensor – then delivers customised specific frequency programs to promote bio-energetic balance, vitality and overall wellbeing. When you have your scan all of this information gets emailed to you so you have your own copy and you can read through it all in your own time.
This is a great introduction video about the Healy Device:

Here are some more informative links:a)Science behind FSM (frequency specific microcurrent):

Online Sessions Available

Online Sessions available and in person sessions suspended until further notice xxx

Energy healing works within the field as illustrated with quantum physics, this means that you do not need to physically be with the healer to receive the healing. I am still offering online coaching, counselling and sound sessions for a donation. kind regards Storme

The Authentic Art of Song Writing

The Authentic Art of Song Writing

EBook by Storme Reeves

Storme is an accredited and award winning singer songwriter from Australia. Her unique voice and songwriting skills are uplifting and inspiring. In ‘The Authentic Art of Songwriting’ book you will discover how to apply your creative abilities in the art of songwriting. This is a great little step by step hand book which gives you song examples and video tutorials to aid you in learning how to write your own songs.

For more details and to puchase The Authentic Art of Songwriting eBook, click here…

Amazon Kindle

Exchange Day Tuesdays

Exchange Day Tuesdays

Exchange Day Tuesdays is an initiative to take the pressure of money out of the equation for yourself, friends and loved ones to receive support, guidance and therapy work when you need it. This is available at Perth Sound Therapy & Life Coaching. The clinic is based in Chidlow . Simply book your appointment and pay a monetary amount you elect at the end of the session on the day no strings attached.

Services offered are as follows:

-Counselling and Crisis Support

-Life Coaching

-Sound Therapy/Sound Healing


-Sound Acupuncture

-Couples/Group or Family Counselling and Coaching

-Infra Red Light Therapy

-Group Sound Meditation Classes

-Childrens Counselling and Sound Therapy

-Children’s Music Classes learning about music with Crystal Bowls and Singing

-Singing Lessons

Please email or call to make an appointment. E: M: 0402 322 184

Mindfulness Living Talk

Mindfulness Living Talk

How to live your life with more meaning.Opening potentials for increased inner peace, self love, joy and happiness.

Join Storme from Perth Sound Therapy and Life Coaching as she provides a talk on the topic of Mindful Living and How to live your life with more meaning.Opening potentials for increased inner peace, self love, joy and happiness.

Storme will be exploring and sharing practical ways to integrate positive change into you and your families lives on a daily basis. The three main points that will be covered are

1.waking up -What does it mean to become mindful and awake to your daily experiences and interactions internally and externally?

2.Being the observer not becoming lost in re activeness. How do we apply mindfulness and what are some practical examples of how to do this.

3.Practicing self kindness moving away from self judgement and self criticism. How do we employ kindness in our everyday experiences, how can we integrate kindness into our inner self instead of incessant self chatter and judgement s about our feelings and thoughts.

Question and Answer section at the end of the talk.

Mindfulness Living Talk
Chidlow Sat April 13th 12-1pm $15

Please email to book for this event $15pp

Article 005 Perception Filters

Article 005 Perception Filters

Is what you are viewing really the objective truth? How would you know?

Article 005 Perception Filters
 Is what you are viewing really the objective truth? How would you know?
Article 005

Article 005 Storme Reeves

Over the last while i have been opening my awareness to inconsistencies, things that just don’t add up around the subject of relating to a man as a partner or in a relationship. Continually i would notice how when i talked to a good male friend of mine i would commonly have a different demeanour and air about me when relating to him specifically.  It’s not that i have been unkind and mean to him every time i interact with him as at different times i have felt quite open and accepting of him and how we relate. But i definitely have been gathering a growing awareness of how my patterns implicate and become entangled in key players in my life around me into their patterns and how it can be all so elusive. When you can jump out of it it is such a relief.

 The first practice i was employing was recognising that it is not anyone else’s and for that matter my good friends fault everytime i feel upset or everytime he does something which i have a judgement about which i then use to cement a suspicion that it really is his fault. The point is that it is not even about who did what or what role they played and therefore who is right and who is wrong.  I knew whilst doing this practice that there was something more for me to see but it was still remaining very illusive.

   The next step from this process was when i drew up on some butchers paper what i perceived to be my grand delusions on the subject matter of thinking that i need to have a father figure type with all that that entails for me in my life to feel happy, satisfied and completed in some way.

  So everytime my friend did something that did not fit into my storyline of what this figure should be like it would make me frustrated and i would need to have space from him to work out what was going on. This part of me which constantly would react in this way with variations would commonly experience strong intense feelings  whenever this pattern was triggered. After writing up my diagrams on the butchers paper i was able to have more clarity about how i would be when this was all in action. So my next daily practice was to be very mindful of when i saw it arising and be present and say to myself í don’t need to be ‘that person’ and the urges to react in a strong way would cessate. I did this for a few weeks and now it is no longer a big effort like it was at the start and i have created a new pathway and habit of taking internal space  before i respond to my environment or potential trigger..

  The next layer appeared just the other day where i could feel my energy levels dropping and i could detect myself falling into a familiar pattern linked in to the above components but i wasn’t really sure what it was about. As my friend does not in anyway depict what my picture of the ídeal father figure/partner is, i was experiencing once again some similar feelings of that nature, that it was somehow his fault that i felt this way-like he was not satisfying something in me that was obviously in distress.

 I still had the awareness and knowing of course that this was nothing really to do with him at all. The following morning i awoke from a dream where i was feeling comforted and relieved having a hug with an ex partner of mine. The feelings i had when waking were not particularly happy or peaceful but quite painful with a yearning and pining type of feeling attached. So i went into meditation for well over an hour to have a look around at what this was all about.

  In the meditation i could see myself like in the dream in that feeling which was like a compulsive feeling of absolutely needing to be embraced in the hug and having everything all taken care of. I then worked with this scenario to see how i would feel given different choice points from that setting.  Firstly i told myself to refrain from going into the embrace. The reactions from this were strong feelings of fear and it felt like i wouldn’t survive if i didn’t act on that compulsion. I then felt anger at myself that i had stopped the usual process from occurring therefore not getting to experience that temporary satiation from the compulsion.

    It may help to understand that when i am talking about the moving into the embrace scenario like the dream it is not a happy ending type of story-it depicts more a familiar part of myself that has experienced these sets of feelings, memories, associations and actions that keep me in a perpetual state of distress because although i can follow the compulsion im never satiated because I’m inside a perpetual trauma pattern, trying to help myself to get out of the trauma pattern. We cannot fix or change unhealthy habits, thoughts and feelings inside of the state that creates and feeds them. When working to change out of a pattern i find it very useful to visualize the typical scenarios with the feelings that go with it and then change what you would normally do and see what responses you get. This is like faking it until you make is kind of idea only we are trialing different actions to better understand our system and how it works to make more informed choices. Once we can understand our psychology within the pattern we can literally like in the movie the matrix, insert the girl in the red dress to change the program.

  The falling into my ex’s arms is a type of supplication where i move into feeling cared for and i can stay there and be looked after because i feel i cannot actually survive without this-it is a co dependent type of interaction. The other end of this if it were a duality- if it was on the upside of this expression it would be exhibited as a type of dominance and empowerment, i would have picked up the pieces and had the foresight to see i cannot exist in the codependent state and i now work to remedy it by gaining power, working hard to be successful in whatever I’m working on . I would also work to feel like i can exist independently.

    These expressions as i see them are two extremes due to partly being stuck in a pattern from conditioning and epigenetic inherited patterning and partly due to my societal conditioning of feeling like we need to operate through competition. I will only survive if i compete.

   The whole trauma pattern is 100% unable to include cooperation or collaboration with another person nor can i even put those ideas together and identify how to do this from within the pattern. So to elaborate even though the best part of me may have a desire to work cooperatively with my friend on a given project, if i have any of this trauma pattern operating i will find it impossible to work outside of the limitations of competition with him. Try as i might it is literally invisible to me because my perception of him from within the pattern is completely colored. Being inside this pattern works like a giant filter that makes every person i interact with specifically men to be tainted by the views and beliefs that are held within the pattern. Just think about this and what i am saying so we can digest it.

      Everything you view looks like, sounds like, smells like, feels like it does due to the multi layers of who you are, your belief systems, conditioning, generational inheritance, culture and so on. So our view of something or someone is rarely neutral and it is rarely also the view of another person, it is unique to you. Someone may have a similar experience and we think they have the same view as us but this is actually us experiencing entanglement. This is where you can  become entangled in another person’s views, beliefs and so on which may be similar to yours so that you then believe they are the same because this serves a purpose for our ego to reinforce that our position is right and if we have more people to support this then we have a false sense of security, stability and ground. This is the ever running complexity of our mind and how we can trick ourselves into trying to stay in situations that appear comfortable, with people that we feel comfortable with, avoiding the truth of matters and anything that may bring about change.

      So after trying to work through all of his on my own in meditation i decided to ask my friend to stay and be present and assist where needed whilst i went back into the meditation. He had already detected part of the source of the distress inside of me was linked to this competition.

It was an amazing experience where i saw myself trying to come from the scene in the dream through this giant whirlpool of energy, memories, attachments, people, places and so on all to do with this pattern. My whole being was very attached to this type of suffering and all of the memories to do with it, because it was so familiar i was reluctant to give it up, it felt like something comforting. Which of course i had just seen that it indeed is a cycle of trauma patterning and  it was not good to keep it. The session went for almost 2 hours where i went from spontaneously crying, seeing different faces from my past, to being very still and calm. On the other side of the whirlpool were figures of greatly developed beings like Mother Mary, Jesus, Buddha and some types of light beings, including my friends dad called Abdullah.

It was if they were helping to draw me through the attachments to this suffering closer and closer to them.  At the end of the whirlpool experience i saw the face of my mum and just like the other people who had presented before in this process i worked to release this filter from her that i was also holding to keep me in the pattern.

     For those who may think this quite a far fetched idea to have sensed these beings as a part of my processing. I always practice to to try and remain unattached to ideas, thoughts, feelings and experiences.  Subscribe to the idea that the more you can release limiting thoughts and beliefs the more you can open to all kinds of input, support and guidance.The resistance one might feel towards this kind of idea will be based in the ego and it will be judgements and prejudice. When working on myself and with clients i understand that each and everyone of us has our own contexts, belief systems, culture and conditioning which are the perfect settings from which to begin working from to evolve and grow, however it does not make one person’s context wrong or right over another.. The figures i sensed in my processing will be representing in my context what i believe to be true about their energies such as the overall energies of love, transformation and compassion which they all represent.

     At the end of the experience with the whirlpool i eventually made it to the other side and found all of these beings plus all of the people and faces i had seen in my processing and we were sitting in a circle. I could clearly see that all of the beliefs, ideas, thoughts, feelings and conditioning i have experienced in my life had created one giant filter in my perception in regards to specifically men but not limited to men. The filter was created of all of the points i have been writing about above. So using my friend as an example. When i would interact with him at anytime he would be viewed in a particular light that would reinforce my central delusion i wrote on the  butchers paper-which is ‘i need to have this ideal/father figure person’ for me to feel secure, safe and capable. So my friend would be viewed as all the things that the ideal figure is not, which would reinforce my suffering and then loop me back into the cycle of that particular suffering inside of the major delusion. This is how i know it is a delusion that needs to be seen and released as it keeps me in a cycle of suffering.

     The main approach and energy that the circle represented was like that of the sun. An energy of being able to absorb, observe and let go of reactivity. This is a place where cooperation can occur and competition cannot exist.

    After i finished the meditation i began my normal morning jobs and i went out to take my dog for a walk. As i was 20 metres up the street i noticed someone had smashed a beer bottle on the road. For your understanding i’ll share that this is a almost a pet hate of mine that people smash bottles in the bush and on the road and do not pick it up. My dog ended up being close to blood poisoning from an infection resulting from a severe cut in his toe from walking on a piece of broken glass. He had to have the toe removed which has affected his gait significantly affecting his quality of life. I often find myself having a gripe about this and i wish i could explain the impact this kind of negligence can have. However i am fully aware this is a pathway into blaming my environment for my own misfortunes which i am actively working to change.

   Anyway my new practice when i find litter and broken glass on my walks is to gratefully thank the person who has left it there as they have given me an opportunity to act responsibly and pick it up. This is also a practice in generating gratefulness. It is a challenging practice but ill get better at it. I was collecting the shards of glass from off the verge and the road when some of the neighbours were out in the garden. I was thinking to myself how i would manage the glass and that i may need to walk back home to put it in the bin, when i looked up to see my neighbour leaning  over the fence with his hands open for me to give him the glass to dispose of. This is not a coincidence but a direct expression of the opening of possibilities inside of myself to work cooperatively and to accept cooperation from my environment. This affirmed the work i had been doing in meditation and it was really a wonderful miracle and divine occurrence.

I hope this has helped in someway to assist with your own deeper insight into your own storylines.

Bye for now.

Love Storme

Online Mindfulness Living Talk

Online Mindfulness Living Talk

Online Mindfulness Discussion Friday 15th at 930am
 Perth Western Australia Time.

Join Storme from Perth Sound Therapy online through Zoom online webinar platform to listen to a talk on Mindful Living. If you are interested in improving your day to day life experience, creating more meaning and understanding and Opening potentials for increased inner peace, self love, joy and happiness. Then i believe you will really benefit from this motivational Talk and discussion Including tips and suggestions on Mindfulness Practices that you can use straight away.

To book in for the Online Mindfulness Talk and Discussion

Simply email your request and follow the instructions to complete the registration-and an invitation link will be sent to you to connect through Zoom -all ready for Friday. E: Entry is $11.

Mindfulness Living Talk and Q & A

Mindfulness Living Talk and Q & A

How to live your life with more meaning. Opening potentials for increased inner peace, self love, joy and happiness.

Mindfulness Living Talk
Mojos Cafe Mundaring
27th March 730pm
by Storme

Join Storme from Perth Sound Therapy and Life Coaching as she provides a talk on the topic of Mindful Living . This will be held at Cafe Mojo 16 Craig St, Mundaring WA . Wed 27th March at 730pm-830pm.

Storme will be exploring and sharing practical ways to integrate positive change into you and your families lives on a daily basis. The three main points that will be covered are

1.Waking up -What does it mean to become mindful and awake to your daily experiences and interactions internally and externally?
2.Being the observer not becoming lost in re activeness. How do we apply mindfulness and what are some practical examples of how to do this.
3.Practicing self kindness moving away from self judgement and self criticism. How do we employ kindness in our everyday experiences, how can we integrate kindness into our inner self instead of incessant self chatter and judgements about our feelings and thoughts.

Question and Answer section at the end of the talk.

Please bring a notepad and pen to take notes if you wish to.

Storme has just completed her new Meditations Album called ‘Harmony and Heart Coherence Meditations’ which will be available at the event. To listen to samples of the album you can visit

Any enquiries please feel welcome to contact Storme on M:0402322184 of or contact Cafe Mojo directly for queries related to the venue.